Bachelor of Science – Psychology

Courses & Outcomes

This Section details the different courses undertaken, over a period of Six Semesters to complete the Bachelor Of Science – Psychology : Undergraduate Program.

The courses are of the following varieties, Core papers that are mandatory, Electives that can be chosen from list of available electives and Laboratory practicals if applicable. The courses when successfully completed, collectively contribute towards the minimum requirement of awarding a Bachelor’s degree.

As part of the Madras University’s OBE – Outcome Based Education program, the desired outcome is presented along with each course.

Visit our official micro site for further information.

SYLLABUS FROM 2020 - 2021

Syllabus for students who joined on & after 2020 - 2021 academic year

Semester I

Language Paper – I

பொதுத்தமிழ் Paper  – I:

இந்தப் பாடத்தைக் கற்றலின் முடிவில் மாணவியர்கள்

  • இக்கால இலக்கிய வகைகளை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • இக்கால இலக்கியங்களைத் துய்க்கும் முறைகளை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • இக்கால இலக்கியங்கள் உணர்த்தும் கருத்துக்களை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • இக்கால இலக்கிய வரலாற்றைத் தெரிந்து கொள்வர்
  • மொழியைத் திறம்பட பயன்படுத்தும் ஆற்றலைப் பெறுவர்.

 Hindi I:                                                            

By the end of the course, students will be able to

  • recollect the interesting words and phrases used in the prescribed texts
  • practise writing leave letters, complaint letters, order letters, and enquiry letters
  • analyse the concepts or themes in the prescribed texts
  • write error-free official memos, government orders, notices, and various forms of official correspondence

French I:

By the end of the course, students will be able to

  • remember basic words and phrases related to transportation, fruits, and vegetables
  • understand basic grammar concepts like articles, prepositions, verbs, and adjectives
  • practise pronunciation using listening comprehension activities
  • analyse sentence structures in simple texts
  • write short essays using simple vocabulary

Communicative English

After completing this course, the learners will be able to

  • recognise errors and use correct language
  • recognize their levels of language competency and improve upon them
  • comprehend ideas they listen to
  • demonstrate effective reading abilities
  • write simple sentence and develop them into a short paragraph
  • read and write independently
  • use English effectively for communicative purposes

CORE 01-General Psychology–I

After completion of the General Psychology – I course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the nature, scope, methods and branches of various fields of Psychology
  • Summarize the fundamental processes underlying human behaviour such as sensation, perception and attention
  • Relate the nature of consciousness and the underlying theoretical interpretations and describe the various stages of sleep & dreams
  • Outline and compare the nature, principles and the various theories of learning
  • Summarize and compare the various functions and memory processes involved in memory and forgetting

CORE 02-Biological Psychology-I

After completion of the Biological Psychology I course, the student will be able to:

  • Explain the research methods and perspectives of biopsychology and the reciprocal relationship between brain and behavior
  • Illustrate the anatomy and function of the neural cell
  • Relate how neurons communicate with each other
  • Name the divisions of the nervous system, its chief structure and functions
  • Outline the role of Endocrine glands and Hormones in influencing Human Behaviour

ALLIED 1-Introduction to Indian Psychology

After completion of the Introduction to Indian Psychology course, students will be able to:

  • Outline the fundamental concept of Indian Psychology in comparison with Western Psychology concepts
  • Examine various concepts of Indian Psychology on Personality and states of consciousness through Upanishads, Nyaya, AdvaitaVedantam etc
  • Illustrate the ideas of Yoga and apply the knowledge for self-development
  • Analyzingvarious religious school of thought in explaining the concept of Mind
  • Apply the concept of Indian psychology in various fields like counselling, education, organizational behavior etc

Semester II

Language Paper – II

பொதுத்தமிழ் Paper  – II:

இந்தப் பாடத்தைக் கற்றலின் முடிவில் மாணவியர்கள்

  • சங்க இலக்கிய அமைப்பினை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • அற இலக்கியங்கள் உணர்த்தும் விழுமியங்களை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • சங்க இலக்கியச் சிறப்பு இயல்புகளை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • சங்கம், சங்க மருவிய கால இலக்கிய வரலாற்றைத் தெரிந்து கொள்வர்
  • மொழியைத் திறம்பட பயன்படுத்தும் ஆற்றலைப் பெறுவர்

 Hindi II:

By the end of the course, students will be able to

  • remember new vocabulary learnt from translation practice (English to Hindi)
  • understand the dramatic elements in one-act plays
  • analyse the themes in short stories
  • enact scenes from one-act plays
  • write critical essays on prescribed texts

 French II:

By the end of the course, students will be able to

  • recollect new vocabulary learnt from prescribed texts
  • understand grammatical rules and sentence structures
  • apply grammar rules and write error-free sentences
  • develop conversations using simple vocabulary
  • write simple essays or stories using new vocabulary

English Paper – II

After completing this course, the learners will be able to

  • recognise errors and use correct language
  • recognize their levels of language competency and improve upon them
  • comprehend ideas they listen to
  • demonstrate effective reading abilities
  • write simple sentence and develop them into a short paragraph
  • read and write independently
  • use English effectively for communicative purposes

CORE 03-General Psychology–II

After completion of the General Psychology II course, students will be able to:

  • Spell out the different types of cognition, thinking processes, decision making and language development
  • Summarize the various theories of Motivation, frustration and conflicts
  • Outline the characteristics and theories of emotions and stress
  • Explain the nature , theories and assessment of Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and creativity
  • Analyze various theories of Personality and describe the assessment & application of the Personality tests

CORE 04-Biological Psychology-II

After completion of the Biological Psychology II course, student will be able to:

  • Outline the biological basis of Sleep & Dream and various sleep disorders
  • Explain brain development and neuro plasticity
  • Summarize the brain mechanism involved in regulating thirst, hungry and feeding
  • Relate biopsychology of emotions in relation to stress and ill health
  • Identify the brain areas associated with learning& memory and outline the causes of memory disorders

ALLIED 2-Introduction to Community Psychology

After completion of the community psychology course, students will be able to:

  • Define and explain the core values of community psychology in Indian context
  • Analyse and evaluate various socio-cultural psychological models and behaviours of Indian youth
  • Critically examine the socio-economic indicators and its impact on development
  • Appraise the role of human development and family structure on Mental Health
  • Develop preventive measures and design promotion programmes for better community development

Semester III

Language Paper – III

பொதுத்தமிழ் Paper  – III:

இந்தப் பாடத்தைக் கற்றலின் முடிவில் மாணவியர்கள்

  • பக்தி இலக்கியப் பின்னணியை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • சிற்றிலக்கிய வகைகளை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • சித்தர் இலக்கியங்களின் இயல்புகளை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • பக்தி, சிற்றிலக்கிய வரலாற்றைத் தெரிந்து கொள்வர்
  • மொழியைத் திறம்பட பயன்படுத்தும் ஆற்றலைப் பெறுவர்

Hindi III:

By the end of the course, students will be able to

  • describe different literary trends in poetry
  • understand the themes in the prescribed poems
  • analyse the poetic language used by poets like Surdas, Tulasidas, and Meera Bai
  • use newly learnt vocabulary in speech and writing
  • writing critical essays on the prescribed poems

 French III:

 By the end of the course, students will be able to

  • recollect new vocabulary and grammatical rules
  • apply grammatical rules to make meaningful sentences
  • understand cultural references in the prescribed texts
  • write general essays on favourite film, book, monument, etc.

English Paper – III

CORE 05-Developmental Psychology-I

After completion of the Developmental psychology -I course, students will be able to:

  • Summarize the developmental stage of conception through birth
  • Explain the developmental stage of infancy and babyhood
  • Recall the various developmental process of early and late childhood
  • Relate various Developmental stages of socialization, family relations and personality development

CORE 06-Experimental Psychology

After completion of the Experimental Psychology course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the effect of distraction, division and span of attention
  • Explain the factors involved in errors of perception
  • Demonstrate the concepts of transfer of learning, trial and error learning, insight learning and learning through the knowledge of results
  • Relate to one’s own level of aspiration and achievement motivation
  • Infer various emotional patterns in oneself and others
  • Illustrate the use of the motor-skills in manual and tweezer dexterity
  • Demonstrate assessment of IQ levels

ALLIED 3-Statistics in Psychology

After completion of the Statistics in psychology course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the different levels of measurement and methods of organizing data in statistics
  • Make use of mean, median, mode and variability
  • Illustrate and apply the concepts of normal distribution
  • Find out correlation
  • Test for significance in hypotheses testing
  • Select and utilize appropriate non-parametric statistics

Semester IV

Language Paper – IV

பொதுத்தமிழ் Paper – IV:

இந்தப் பாடத்தைக் கற்றலின் முடிவில் மாணவியர்கள்

  • காப்பிய அமைப்பை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • சிற்றிலக்கிய வகைகளை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • காப்பியம், சிற்றிலக்கியம் ஆகியவற்றைச் செல்நெறிகளை அறிந்து கொள்வர்
  • காப்பியம், சிற்றிலக்கிய வரலாற்றைத் தெரிந்து கொள்வர்.
  • படைப்பாற்றலை வளர்த்து கொள்வதோடு பணி வாய்ப்பும் பெறுவர்

 Hindi IV:

By the end of the course, students will be able to

  • understand the characteristics of modern poetry
  • apply the vocabulary used by modern poets in speech and writing
  • analyse the poetic techniques used by the modern poets
  • describe the techniques used in short stories and one-act plays
  • write critical essays on modern writers and their works

French IV:

By the end of the course, students will be able to

  • remember new vocabulary and grammatical rules
  • apply grammatical rules and make error-free sentences
  • understand cultural differences using prescribed texts
  • analyse sentence structures in prescribed texts
  • write essays and letters in the prescribed formats

English Paper – IV

CORE 07-Developmental Psychology-II

After completion of the Developmental Psychology II course, the student will be able to:

  • Summarize the developmental process of puberty and adolescence
  • Relate the various development process of young adulthood
  • Explain the developmental tasks of middle age
  • Identify problems related to old age

CORE 08-Psychological Assessment

After completion of the Psychological assessment course, students will be able to:

  • Assess Personality, Aptitude & Interest and interpret the results
  • Measure and interpret achievement test, stress and coping levels
  • Select appropriate test to measure attitude, behavior & creativity and discuss the results

ALLIED 4-Consumer Behaviour and Advertising

After completion of the consumer behaviour and advertising course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the field and scope of consumer behaviour and impact of new technology on marketing strategies
  • Outline the different aspects of research in the field of consumer process
  • Apply concepts of motivation and perception on consumer behaviour
  • Explain the features, goals, functions, types and models of advertising
  • Determine the framework in advertising, role of media in advertising and ethical standards in advertising

Semester V

CORE 09-Abnormal Psychology-I

After completion of the abnormal psychology – I course, students will be able to:

  • Distinguish between normal & abnormal behavior and outline the historical background and need for classification
  • Summarize the various models of abnormality
  • Identify clinical features and causes of neurodevelopmental disorder, conduct disorder & neurocognitive disorder
  • Explain the clinical features and causal factors of anxiety related disorder
  • Outline the clinical features and causal factors of somatic and dissociative disorder

CORE 10-Social Psychology-I

After completion of the Social Psychology I course, students will be able to:

  • Outline the nature, history, principles and scope of social psychology and methods used in social psychology research
  • Illustrate the significance of self- presentation behaviors in relation to the multifaceted development of the self
  • Infer the interconnections between attitude and behavior
  • Compare the reasons of conformity, compliance and obedience
  • Summarize the conditions promoting helping behavior and infer conditions of bystander effect

CORE 11-Introduction To Research Methodology

After completion of the Introduction to research methodology course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the needs, objectives , importance , problem and process of research based on review of literature
  • Identifying research problems and formulating hypothesis
  • Distinguish between the different types of sampling
  • Examine the methods used in data collection
  • Demonstrate an understanding of writing a research report

CORE 12- Health Psychology

After completion of the health psychology course, the student will be able to:

  • Outline the definition and scope of Health Psychology
  • Explain the various models of health behavior
  • Identify types of pain, symptoms and suitable intervention
  • Summarize theories of stress, sources of stress and coping
  • Explain health promoting strategies

ELECTIVE 1-Sports Psychology

After completion of the Sports Psychology course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the need, importance and research methods in sports psychology
  • Relate physical activity and Mental Health
  • Describe the nature, measurement of attitude towards sports behavior
  • Classify various abilities and skills
  • Explain the prevalence, etiology and intervention of alcohol and drug use among athletes

Semester VI

CORE 13-Abnormal Psychology-II

After completion of the abnormal psychology – II course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the causes of unipolar and bipolar disorder and treatment
  • Outline the clinical feature, causal factor and treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorder
  • Summarize types, causes and treatment of Personality disorder
  • Explain the types ,causal and treatment of substance related disorder
  • Identify the different types of prevention and summarize the different models of therapies

CORE 14-Social Psychology-II

After completion of the social psychology – II course, students will be able to:

  • Outline the theories of persuasion and illustrate the factors in resisting persuasion
  • Determine the influence of various group behaviors in relation to individual’s performance
  • Outline the nature, sources and consequences of prejudice and illustrate methods to counteract effects of prejudice
  • Summarize the theories of aggression and strategies to regulate aggression
  • Identify the dynamics of intimate relationships in relation to internal and external sources of attraction

CORE 15-Introduction to Theories of Personality

After completion of the Introduction to theories of personality course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the concept, assessment, measurement and research methods of Personality
  • Outline the various psychoanalytic perspectives of Personality
  • Summarize the life span and trait perspective of Personality
  • Outline the existential humanistic perspective of Personality
  • Explain Behavioural, Cognitive and Social perspectives of personality

ELECTIVE 2-Guidance and Counselling Psychology

After completion of the Guidance and counselling Psychology course, students will be able to:

  • Identify the need and importance of counselling in the current context
  • Explain the various approaches in counselling and the types , uses & diagnosis in counselling process
  • Summarize the interpretation of psychological tests in counselling
  • List the qualities of an effective counsellor
  • Identify the special areas of counselling
  • Spell out the ethical guidelines laid down by the American Psychological Association and the role of counsellor in promoting good Mental Health

ELECTIVE 3-Human Resource Management

After completion of the human resource management course, students will be able to:

  • Outline the basic concepts of human resource management
  • Relate the need for job analysis in relation to Human Resource Planning and Recruiting
  • List strategies for analysing training needs and developing employees
  • Explain the techniques of performance appraisal
  • Spell out how stress management, conflict management and employee empowerment help in employee motivation


Syllabus for students who joined before 2020- 2021 academic year

Semester I

Language Paper – I

பொதுத்தமிழ் Paper I – CLA1L

மாணவியர்கள் இந்தப் பாடத்தைக் கற்றலின் முடிவில்,

  • நாட்டுப்புற இலக்கியங்களின் வகைப்பாடுகள்,சிறுகதை, உரைநடை, மரபு கவிதை, புதுக்கவிதை ஆகியவற்றின் ஆசிரியர் குறிப்புகள், அவ்வாசிரியர்கள் வாழ்ந்த காலச்சூழல், அவர்கள் எழுதிய நூல்குறிப்புகள் முதலானவற்றை நினைவில் கொள்கிறார்கள்
  • படைப்பிலக்கியங்களின் முக்கியத்துவத்தையும் இலக்கியங்களின் தொன்மையையும் புரிந்து கொள்கிறார்கள்
  • ஊடகத்தில் மொழியைப் பயன்படுத்தும் முறை, துறைசார்ந்த கலைச்பசொற்களை அறிந்து கொள்ளுதல், சொற்களின் பொருள் அறிதல் ஆகிய மொழிப்பயிற்சியைப் பெறுகிறார்கள்
  • நாட்டுப்புற இலக்கியங்களின் வாயிலாகப் பெறப்படும் மனித உணர்வுகளையும் தற்கால இலக்கியங்களில் வெளிப்படும் சமூக அவலங்களையும் மதிப்பீடு செய்யும் தன்மையைப் பெறுகிறார்கள்
  • நவீன இலக்கிய உத்திகளை உள்வாங்கி அவற்றைப் பின்பற்றிக் கவிதை, கட்டுரை எழுதும் திறனைப் பெறுகிறார்கள்

Hindi I – CLE1E

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● recollect the interesting words and phrases used in the prescribed texts
● practise writing leave letters, complaint letters, order letters, and enquiry letters
● analyse the concepts or themes in the prescribed texts
● write error-free official memos, government orders, notices, and various forms of official correspondence

French I – CLK1S

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● remember basic words and phrases related to transportation, fruits, and vegetables
● understand basic grammar concepts like articles, prepositions, verbs, and adjectives
● practise pronunciation using listening comprehension activities
● analyse sentence structures in simple texts
● write short essays using simple vocabulary

English I – CLZ1L

By the end of the course, students will be able to
• remember English vowel and consonant sounds and symbols, along with the rules for word stress, sentence stress, intonation, and voice modulation
• understand the life and works of renowned writers
• apply grammatical rules of tense, aspect, auxiliaries, question tags, interrogative / negative statements in writing error-free sentences
• analyse poetic language or story elements in the prescribed texts
• write critical essays and enact scenes from the prescribed stories

Core Paper IGeneral Psychology I (SAT1A)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● recall key concepts, methods, and different sub-fields in Psychology
● describe human anatomy and basic functions like vision, smell, taste, hearing, touch, and kinesthetic movements
● analyse different perspectives related to sensation, perception, memory, consciousness, and learning
● differentiate between major approaches psychologists use to observe behavioural and mental processes

Core Paper II - Biological Basis of Behaviour I (SAT1B)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● trace the history of biological basis of behaviour
● describe the significance of nervous system in human body
● distinguish between synaptic transmission functions of normal and damaged brain
● sketch the concepts of bio-mechanism behind emotions, aggression, learning, and memory
● appraise the importance of biorhythmic alignment

Allied I - Sociology (SBT1A)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● remember basic concepts in Sociology and their fundamental theoretical interrelations
● analyse how self and social interaction influence society and social structures
● apply sociological concepts, principles, and perspectives to substantiate areas addressed by sociologists
● evaluate how social change factors such as population, urbanisation, or technology development affect individuals and social structures

Semester II

Language Paper – II

பொதுத்தமிழ் Paper II – CLA2H

மாணவியர்கள் இந்தப் பாடத்தைக் கற்றலின் முடிவில்,

  • சிற்றிலக்கியங்கள், கிறித்துவ இசுலாமிய இலக்கியங்கள் ஆகியவற்றின் ஆசிரியர் குறிப்புக்களையும், காலச்சூழலையும் நினைவில் வைத்துக் கொள்கிறார்கள்
  • சிற்றிலக்கியங்களில் எளிய மக்கள் கதைத் தலைவன் தலைவிகளாகப் படைக்கப்பட்டதன் நோக்கத்தைப் புரிந்து கொள்கிறார்கள்
  • நிலம் சார்ந்த மக்களின் வாழ்க்கை முறையையும் மூவேந்தர் மரபையும் காப்பிய இலக்கியத் தன்மையையும் புரிந்து கொள்கிறார்கள்
  • சிற்றிலக்கியங்களைப் பிற இலக்கியங்களோடு ஒப்பிட்டு இவ்விலக்கியங்கள் சமூகத்தை எவ்வாறு பிரதிபலிக்கின்றன என்பதை மதிப்பீடு செய்கிறார்கள்
  • இலக்கண விதிகளைக் கொண்டு தமிழ் மொழியில் தவறின்றிப் பேசவும் எழுதவும் பயிற்சி செய்கிறார்கள்

Hindi II – CLE2G

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● remember new vocabulary learnt from translation practice (English to Hindi)
● understand the dramatic elements in one-act plays
● analyse the themes in short stories
● enact scenes from one-act plays
● write critical essays on prescribed texts

French II – CLK2L

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● recollect new vocabulary learnt from prescribed texts
● understand grammatical rules and sentence structures
● apply grammar rules and write error-free sentences
● develop conversations using simple vocabulary
● write simple essays or stories using new vocabulary

English II – CLZ2L

By the end of the course, students will be able to
• recollect new vocabulary learnt through word-building activities
• apply grammatical rules of tenses, framing questions, and question tags in identifying errors in sentences
• analyse figurative language in prescribed poems
• evaluate story elements in short stories
• synthesise information and write critical essays on poems, short stories, and one-act plays

Major III - General Psychology II (SAT2C)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● recollect concepts, theories, and assumptions underlying thinking, intelligence, emotions, personality, and motivation
● develop skills to promote better understanding of self and society, and practise self-control
● analyse different enhancing strategies related to personality and intelligence
● critically evaluate the complexities in human cognition

Allied II - Fundamentals of Social Anthropology (SBT2B)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● remember basic concepts and theoretical background of
● describe how historical and evolutionary processes have shaped human ancestors and primates and led to behavioural, biological, and cultural diversity of the present
● analyse how cultural systems construct reality differently for various human groups
● evaluate how cultures responded to the challenges of globalisation in various times and places

Core Paper IV - Biological Basis of Behaviour II (SAT2D)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● understand the development of nervous system, in phases
● analyse causes of brain damage and treatment procedures
● demonstrate physiological and behavioural events of sleep and circadian rhythms
● evaluate cortical mechanism of sensory system
● examine motor control and its related disorders

Semester III

Language Paper – III

பொதுத்தமிழ் Paper III – CLA3M

மாணவியர்கள் இந்தப் பாடத்தைக் கற்றலின் முடிவில்,

  • சைவ வைணவ இலக்கியக் குறிப்புகள், நாயன்மார்கள் மற்றும் ஆழ்வார்களின் பெயர்கள், வள்ளலார் பற்றிய குறிப்புகள், சமூக அரசியல் காலச்சூழல்கள் போன்றவற்றை நினைவுப்படுத்திக்  கொள்கிறார்கள்
  • பக்தி இலக்கியங்களின் இறைநெறியையும் கும்பகர்ணனின் அறவுணர்வையும், கன்றை இழந்த பசுவிற்கு நீதி வழங்கிய மனுச்சோழனின் முறை மாண்பையும் புரிந்து கொள்கிறார்கள்
  • பக்தி இலக்கியங்கள் உணர்த்தும் மெய்நெறியைக் கடைப்பிடித்து வாழ்வியல் முறையை மேம்படுத்திக் கொள்கிறார்கள்
  • உலகியல் வாழ்க்கையிலிருந்து நம்மை வேறுபடுத்தி நிலையான வீடுபேற்றை அடைவதற்கான வழிமுறைகளைப் பகுத்துணர்கிறார்கள்
  • அறம், பக்தி, நீதி, ஒழுக்கம் ஆகிய தனிமனிதப் பண்புகளை மதிப்பீடு செய்கிறார்கள்
  • அரசு அலுவலகங்கள் மற்றும் தனியார் நிறுவனங்கள் ஆகியவற்றிற்குக் கடிதம் எழுதும் திறனையும் இலக்கிய நிகழ்வுகளைக் காட்சியாக நடித்துக் காட்டும் திறனையும் பெறுகிறார்கள்

Hindi III – CLE3H

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● describe different literary trends in poetry
● understand the themes in the prescribed poems
● analyse the poetic language used by poets like Surdas, Tulasidas, and Meera Bai
● use newly learnt vocabulary in speech and writing
● writing critical essays on the prescribed poems

French III – CLK3M

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● recollect new vocabulary and grammatical rules
● apply grammatical rules to make meaningful sentences
● understand cultural references in the prescribed texts
● write general essays on favourite film, book, monument, etc.

English III – CLZ3P

By the end of the course, students will be able to
• remember complex vocabulary used in literary contexts
• apply grammatical rules and avoid errors in speaking and writing
• analyse poetic elements in prescribed poems
• evaluate various biographies and critique the lives and works of famous personalities
• develop their interview skills through mock-interviews

Core Paper V - Developmental Psychology I (SAT3A)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● describe the influence of biological, cognitive, and psycho-social factors on life span development
● analyse personal and social attitudes of human beings during early stages of lives
● assess the complex effects of early stages of life span on one’s mental and physical health
● evaluate various issues and problems related to childhood and adolescence

Allied III - Statistics in Psychology (SBT3A)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● recall the key concepts and formulae in Statistics
● understand statistical concepts used in Psychology research
● describe raw data using tables and graphs
● differentiate between descriptive and inferential statistical methods
● appraise research studies using appropriate statistical tools

Core Paper VIExperimental Psychology (SAT31)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● remember psychological principles and techniques used in Experimental Psychology
● use Psychology tools and apparatus appropriately in the lab
● apply concepts of learning, motivation, and intelligence in their subject of study

Semester IV

Language Paper – IV

பொதுத்தமிழ் Paper IV – CLA4K

மாணவியர்கள் இந்தப் பாடத்தைக் கற்றலின் முடிவில்,

  • சங்க இலக்கியங்கள், நீதி இலக்கியங்கள், காப்பியங்கள் ஆகியவற்றின் காலப் பின்னணி, சங்கப்புலவர்களின் வாழ்க்கைக் குறிப்புகள் போன்றவற்றை நினைவில் வைத்துக் கொள்கிறார்கள்
  • எட்டுத்தொகை, பத்துப்பாட்டு, சிலப்பதிகாரம், மணிமேகலை, திருக்குறள் ஆகியவற்றில் பண்டைத் தமிழ் மக்களின் அகம் புறம் சார்ந்த வாழ்வியல் நிலைப்பாட்டினைப் புரிந்து கொள்கிறார்கள்
  • மொழிப்பெயர்ப்பு விதிகளையும் உத்திகளையும் பயன்படுத்தி எழுத்துப் பயிற்சியைப் பெறுகிறார்கள்
  • செவ்வியல் இலக்கியங்களைக் கற்பதன் மூலம் திணை, துறை விளக்கங்களைத் திறனாய்வு செய்கிறார்கள்
  • பண்டைய மக்களின் வாழ்வியல் கொள்கைகளைத் தற்கால மக்களின் வாழ்வோடு ஒப்பிட்டு மதிப்பீடு செய்கிறார்கள்
  • மொழிப்பெயர்ப்புப் பயிற்சியின் மூலம் கட்டுரை, அறிக்கை ஆகியவற்றை மொழியாக்கம் செய்கிறார்கள்

Hindi IV – CLE4J

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● understand the characteristics of modern poetry
● apply the vocabulary used by modern poets in speech and writing
● analyse the poetic techniques used by the modern poets
● describe the techniques used in short stories and one-act plays
● write critical essays on modern writers and their works

French IV – CLK4N

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● remember new vocabulary and grammatical rules
● apply grammatical rules and make error-free sentences
● understand cultural differences using prescribed texts
● analyse sentence structures in prescribed texts
● write essays and letters in the prescribed formats

English IV – CLZ4R

By the end of the course, students will be able to
• remember interesting words and phrases used in one-act plays and selected scenes from Shakespeare
• analyse the complex themes in one-act plays and short stories
• apply various techniques in letter writing, précise writing, paraphrasing, and report writing
• evaluate writing techniques used by playwrights and short story writers
• enact scenes from Shakespeare, one-act plays, or short stories

Core Paper VIIDevelopmental Psychology II (SAT4A)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● recognise concepts related to later stages of lifespan – adulthood, middle age, and old age
● describe adjustment related issues during various stages of lifespan
● understand physical and psychological functioning during subsequent stages of lifespan development
● discuss social and personal problems in these stages of lifespan
● analyse various issues related to senior citizens, for example, bereavement process and empty nest phenomenon

Allied IV Marketing and Consumer Behaviour (SBT4A)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● understand processes and factors affecting marketing and consumer behaviour
● analyse marketing techniques used by marketers and target-specific consumer groups
● differentiate between models and levels in consumer decision making and buying process
● appraise consumer choices based on factors influencing consumer buying behaviour
● construct their own consumer research study

Core Paper VIIIPsychological Assessment (SAT41)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● remember psychological principles and techniques used in psychological assessment
● use Psychology tools and apparatus appropriately in the lab
● apply concepts of learning, motivation, and intelligence in psychological assessment
● appraise application of Psychology concepts in real-life scenarios

Semester V

Core Paper IX - Social Psychology I (SAT5D)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● recall the impact of society on individual behaviour
● understand different social phenomena like empathy, altruism, and attitude formation
● evaluate diverse theories and scientific methodologies in Social Psychology
● develop ability to comprehend the basis for attitude formation and emotional behaviour

Core Paper XPsychopathology I (SAT5A)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● identify normal and abnormal behaviour patterns
● match biological, psychological, and socio-cultural causes of abnormal behaviour
● analyse different types of anxiety disorders, with respect to their symptoms and therapies
● categorise causes, symptoms, and therapies to deal with Somatoform and Dissociative disorders

Core Paper - XI Psychological Research and Measurement (SAT5B)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● understand scientific and social research approaches and methods
● identify various sources of information for literature review and data collection
● evaluate primary and secondary data collected using questionnaire method, observation, qualitative interviewing, and case-study
● design a research project addressing the research question, hypothesis, methodology, data collection, and analysis

Core Paper – XII Applied Psychology (SAT5C)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● remember basic concepts in Applied Psychology
● understand how psychological principles and concepts can be used effectively to resolve real life problems
● analyse the role of Applied Psychologists and their contributions to better understand human mind and behaviour
● evaluate the methodology and interventions used by Applied Psychologists
● develop research-based specific interventions to solve problems in healthcare, education sectors, communities, and organisations

Elective I - Health Psychology (SET5A)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● identify types of physical illness caused by mental disturbance
● comprehend issues related to physical conditions and mental well- being of individuals
● apply behaviour modification techniques for various health problems
● evaluate psycho-educational interventions in prevention and control of illness in the society

Semester VI

Core Paper XIII - Psychopathology II (SAT6A)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● recollect biological and psycho-social factors, treatment, and outcomes related to mood disorders
● classify subtypes of Schizophrenia and treatment processes
● describe categories and clinical features of personality disorders
● analyse causes, symptoms, and therapies to deal with addiction disorders

Core Paper - XIV Organisational Psychology (SAT6B)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● recall various concepts and theories in Organisational Psychology
● understand the framework for organisational design, structure, culture, and dynamics
● apply different motivational theories in a variety of organisational settings and study their effects on job satisfaction
● evaluate the effectiveness of various leadership styles and teamwork types
● develop effective interventions to solve problems in organisations

Core Paper XV - Social Psychology II (SAT6C)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● understand social characteristics related to human behaviour
● discuss the importance of Social Psychology in social institutions like law, medicine, and education
● evaluate the connection between various mental phenomena and social stereotypes in contemporary life
● design socio-psychological researches using appropriate methods

Elective II - Counselling and Guidance (SET6A)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● identify major concepts, scope, and ethical issues in Counselling
● demonstrate micro-skills including non-verbal skills, listening skills, reflecting skills, paraphrasing, challenging, and goal setting
● apply counselling skills in addressing special groups such as alcoholics, elderly people, AIDS patients, sexually abused, and differently abled in individual and group settings
● compare different approaches related to Counselling such as Directive, Humanistic, Behaviouristic, Existential, and Eclectic
● involve in professional activities related to Counselling Psychology, bringing positive changes in the society

Elective III - Human Resource Management (SET6B)

By the end of the course, students will be able to
● recall basic terminologies in Human Resource Management and understand related concepts and theories
● develop an understanding of conflicts and challenges in Human Resource Management
● describe techniques used in recruitment, talent management, and compensation planning
● evaluate ethical and legal issues faced by Human Resource Management executives locally and globally
● formulate human resource policies and practices that help promote an organisation’s strategic goals