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About Us

CTTEWC’s History

Established in the year 1985, under the T.Thomas Educational Trust, Chevalier T.Thomas Elizabeth College is a pioneer in self-financing educational institutions. It is an exclusive college for women in Perambur, Chennai, founded by  Late Dr. Elizabeth Thomas to fulfil her husband’s dream to offer quality higher education to women. Education  is the primary base to achieve the global vision of  gender equality and it is fulfilling that CTTE College has consistently worked from its inception to empower women with holistic education. Today with 39 years of commendable service, we have evolved as one of the top graded institutions affiliated to the Madras University.

CTTE Trust:
The  T. Thomas Educational Trust was established in 1965 by the late founder, Chevalier T. Thomas. St. Mary’s group of institutions grew from this beginning and the Trust  now has  under its aegis, five higher secondary schools and a college.

The CTTE Trust became a Public Trust in December 2002. Honourable Justice Thiru J. Kanakaraj, Retired Judge, High Court, Madras was appointed by the High Court of Madras as the Chairman of the Trust from 2002.  The Trust took charge in 2003 under the Chairmanship of Thiru J. Kanakaraj, Retired Judge, High Court, Madras and Mr. L. Palamalai, IAS (Retd.) as the Managing Trustee & Correspondent.

At present,  Honourable Justice Thiru. B. Gokuldas is the Chairman of the CTTE Trust  and  Thiru. L. Palamalai, IAS (Retd.) is the Managing Trustee & Correspondent.

College Emblem

The logo of Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth College for Women is  thoughtfully designed to encapsulate the institution’s distinctiveness in imparting core values aligned to our mission and vision statements. Each element in the logo holds a profound meaning:

Shield – The shield that frames the symbols represents empowerment. The institution empowers women through a holistic development that shapes as a shield of strength and resilience to face life ahead. 

Book – The open book signifies knowledge, learning, and the pursuit of academic excellence. It highlights the importance of education for women as a tool for empowerment.

CTTE – The acronym “CTTE” displayed in the centre of the logo emphasises the institution’s legacy of having gained the reputation for holistic education in  North Chennai through the educational institutions run under the CTTE Trust since 1965.  The college continually ascertains to hold this legacy alive by instilling graduate attributes that help foster a society imbued with good values and commitment to personal and national growth.

Cross – The cross stands for guidance, mentorship and spiritual strength. It reflects the institution’s foundational principles of providing a conducive environment for women to navigate the many challenges that stand in the way of their academic pursuits.

Candles – The lit candles denote that the women students are empowered to empower others. Like the lit candles, they illuminate minds and nurture growth and social responsibility that foster lifelong learning.

Laurel Wreaths – The laurel wreaths stand for the achievement, honour, and triumph the women students accomplish in life as an outcome of their education. It remains as a badge of pride acknowledging the thousands of women students who successfully leave the portals of the institution to make meaningful contributions to the world.

The logo resonates with the college’s motto, “Domine, Illumina Me” (Lord, Enlighten Me), which is a call for the light of knowledge to guide both those at the helm of affairs of the institution and the women students on their educational journey to shine, to grow, and to thrive.



Our Vision as set forth by our esteemed founders

Empowering Women through

  • Education
  • Ethics 
  • Economic Development


To Empower Women by
  • Providing the right academic atmosphere with the best resources to pursue & gain knowledge.
  • Providing opportunities to develop employability skills.
  • Inculcating values rooted in our culture & tradition, secularism and humanitarianism.

Guiding Principles

As an Institution, we believe in
  • Values
  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Quality
  • Life-long Learning




Graduate Attributes

Our College believes in developing certain graduate attributes in our students, which benefit them and the world they are to be part of.
  • Discipline and Dignity
  • Self-Esteem and Integrity
  • Critical Thinking and Communication Skills
  • Professional Ethics
  • Life Skills to achieve Work-Life Balance
  • Life-Long Learning
  • Secularism
  • Love for Nation and its Sovereignty

Our Milestones & Key events


Our journey as an institution spans over three decades. Everyday we progress towards our goal of becoming a premier institute empowering women through education & skill development. Here are some notable events we consider as milestones in our journey.

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