M.Phil. Computer Science, Bharathidasan University, Part time, Trichy - 2006
MCA, STET College for Women - 2004
B.Sc.Chemistry, M.R.G Govt.Arts College - 2001
Published a paper titled A Novel Approach of GUI Mapping with image based widget detection and classification in the International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management ; Name of the Publisher: IEEEYear of Publication:2021; E-ISBN:978-1-6654-1450-0
Published a paper titled “A Novel approach of GUI Mapping with Image based widget detection and classification” in the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM) Year of Publication:2021; ISBN Number:978-1-6654-1450-0
Published a paper titled UXD/UI pitfalls prevention for Web Applications in the International Conference on symposium“Indian and Global Opportunities in the Sciences and Humanities: A Critical Discourse" Year of Publication:2021; ISBN Number:978-81-948301-2-2